Scouting: The Images of a Movement | Thursday Spotlight

If you have followed this blog for a little bit, you probably know that I love collecting old photographs from the history of the Scouting Movement. Besides the simple nostalgia appeal, these images often capture some really cool things and serve as a reminder to me of the high standards that the young men of the past held themselves to.

Today, I’m going to start a series that I hope to continue weekly every Thursday in addition to the other series running on Scouting Rediscovered. Over the years, I have gathered quite a collection of great photographs from the past, some of which are featured on this page. But there are a lot to look through, and as I continue to collect these photos, I don’t have time to keep that page constantly updated.

So, in this series, I’m going to highlight seven of the photos each week that stood out to me. I hope you enjoy looking at this glimpse into the past, and I hope the photos inspire you as much as they do me. Please help others to Rediscover Scouting by sharing this post with others. Thanks for reading!


A Scout Patrol on a Hike

A Scout having fun with Amateur Radio

A Group of Scouts Raising the American Flag

A Group of Scouts conducting a First Aid drill

Scouts picking up trash in Washington D.C.

Scouts on top of a log cabin built by themselves

Scouts collecting metal for the war effort during World War II


Photo Disclaimer at the Bottom of This Page

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