
Hello! I am a 17 year old Boy Scout and have a passion for Scouting and for the Boy Scouts of America. I am right now writing a book called: ‘Scouting Rediscovered.’

My Mission: To help the world rediscover Scouting in its timeless principles, values, and adventures.

This is my Base Camp for ‘Scouting Rediscovered’! This is where it all happens, the routes, maps, and plans for my operation of exploration. This is my ‘Captain’s Log’, where I chart my discoveries as I explore forgotten lands. On this Log, I will share with you valuable skills I’ve acquired, monumental lessons I’ve learned, and, most importantly, the exciting discoveries I’ve made while on my journey through Scouting!

If you have a sense of adventure, if you are a Scout at heart; I hope you will join me in the discovery!

I’ll see you on the trail! Adventure lies over the next hill!

Yours in Scouting!

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