Scout Projects

Scout Projects: Building a Standing Desk

As I write posts for the Keystones of a Scout series, I find myself getting freshly inspired each time as I dig deeper into the meaning and practice of these timeless Scouting principles. The last post in this series was on Ingenuityand part of my research for this post took me into some of the amazing pioneering projects that the Scouts of the past have built. This inspired me to get out and build something that I have been wanting to build for a long time now, a standing desk.

Standing desks were much more commonly used in the late 19th century and early 20th century than they are today. If used right, they can burn more calories and be generally healthier to use than sitting all day behind a common desk. However, as I wanted this to replace my regular desk in my room, and I didn’t want to necessarily stand all day long, it needed to be be both a regular desk and a standing desk.

This is where the ingenuity came in. I could try to find and buy plans for an adjustable desk, or I could save up the money for one and buy it. However, after researching for the post on Ingenuity, I became inspired to both design and build my own out of wood.  Continue reading

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