
Website Redesign

Readers of Scouting Rediscovered,
Thank you for all the wonderful support you’ve given me and this site since it’s been started. Right now, I am undertaking to move this blog from its current hosting service at wordpress.com to a new self-hosted website that I am currently designing.

I’ve never done something like this before, so I might run into a few technical difficulties. Thank you for your patience. I will keep you updated.

I’m really excited about the direction ScoutingRediscovered is headed, and I look forward to seeing this site grow and share the exciting adventures of Scouting to many.

I will keep you updated as to my progress. Thank you!
-Enoch Heise

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Keystones of a Scout: The 10 Virtues That Make a Scout | Deduction

Today, I’m going to continue the series, Keystones of a Scout: The 10 Virtues that Make a Scout, which I introduced: here. Previously in this series, I talked about Endurance, Self-Discipline, Exploration, and Observation. Each of these are traits or virtues that I have shown to have been with Scouting from the beginning, and each of these traits are necessary for a Scout to do what he should do and to carry out his Oath that he swore as a Scout. Today, I am half-way through the series of 10 virtues, and am going to talk about number five: Deduction.

What do you mean by ‘Deduction’? 

Well, if you read the last post in this series on observation, then you know that observation is very important. However, observing is just the beginning. You see, but do you really understand what you’re seeing? Everything is made the way it is by a particular set of circumstances.  Continue reading

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The Mind of a True Scout: Have a Mind like a Steel Trap, Part 1

In the last installment of my Keystones of a Scout series, Observation, I briefly touched on the importance of being able to remember what you observe. Memory, indeed, is a very important skill to have, especially as a Scout. In order to Be Prepared, we need to learn and remember many important skills such as First Aid, rescue procedures, and etc.

So today, I’m going to start a short series of posts on how to improve your memory. Continue reading

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When it hits, will you be prepared?

Today, Tuesday the 31st of July, the power grids in India failed, leaving 670 million, half of the country’s population, without power. This includes transportation and hospitals. (source: Reuters) Now, India isn’t known for being the most technologically sophisticated country in the world, but it’s been no secret that for some time now the United States’ infrastructure is showing a few gray hairs. It may not take out half the country, but I don’t think it is a stretch to say that sometime in the future there is a good chance that you will be caught in a bad blackout.

It could last hours, or days. If this were to happen, we would be deprived of so many things that have become part of our life: running water, refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, TV’s, electric lights, computers, Internet. Even if you can make that battery on your cell phone last as long as possible, it won’t do you much good if the cell towers are rendered nonoperational.

I hope that the extent of what you are able to do isn’t just to hunker down and wait for someone to rescue you. Rescue might come, but then again…

Wait a minutes! Who is used to going days in the wilderness without modern conveniences? Who has gone through drills and training and is ready to administer first aid at a moment’s notice? Who has grown accustomed to lending a helping hand to the community? Who has gone the extra mile and taken risks to make sure he is prepared to tackle any emergency?

If you are a Scout, then your answer should be yes to these questions. The very motto of Scouting is to “Be Prepared!” That is why we go through the drills and the lessons. That is why we make it hard to earn ranks and to be a Boy Scout! It is only by training hard that we are prepared to face disaster. Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, said this:

I deplore the modern tendency to place “Safety first,” before all else. A certain amount of risk is necessary to life, a certain amount of practice in taking risks is necessary to the prolongation of life. Scouts have to be prepared to encounter difficulties and dangers in
life. We do not, therefore, want to make their training too soft.

It is certain that Scouts are not fool-hearty, but we must take some risks in order to Be Prepared. Who ever said hiking out in the wilderness or climbing a mountain was ‘safe’? It isn’t, but as Scouts we are armed and prepared with the knowledge and skill to handle any situation that arises. Let me leave you with this thought from Baden-Powell:

Remember your motto, BE PREPARED. Be prepared for accidents by learning beforehand what you ought to do in the different kinds that are likely to occur. Be prepared to do that thing the moment the accident does occur. I will explain to you what ought to be done in the different kinds of accidents, and you must practice them as far as possible. But the great thing for you Scouts to bear in mind is that wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, you should think to yourself, “What accident might occur here?” and, “What is my duty if it occurs?”
You are then prepared to act.
And when an accident does occur remember always that as a Scout it is your business to be the first man to go to the rescue. Don’t let an outsider be ahead of you.

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Hello! I am a 17 year old Boy Scout and have a passion for Scouting and for the Boy Scouts of America. I am right now writing a book called: ‘Scouting Rediscovered.’ On this blog, I will be publishing many great tips, quotes, anecdotes, and sections from my book. I’d love to hear your feedback! Feel free to comment on the site or follow me on twitter: @DiscoverScouts

Yours in Scouting!

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