Posts Tagged With: Merit Badge

The Mind of a True Scout: Have a Mind like a Steel Trap, Part 1

In the last installment of my Keystones of a Scout series, Observation, I briefly touched on the importance of being able to remember what you observe. Memory, indeed, is a very important skill to have, especially as a Scout. In order to Be Prepared, we need to learn and remember many important skills such as First Aid, rescue procedures, and etc.

So today, I’m going to start a short series of posts on how to improve your memory. Continue reading

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Keystones of a Scout: The 10 Virtues That Make a Scout | Exploration

“To meet their spirit of adventure I held up for their ideal the doings of backwoodsmen and knights, adventurers and explorers, as the heroes for them to follow.” ~ Baden-Powell

I have particularly enjoyed doing the research for this third installment of the Keystones of a Scout series: Exploration.

“Very few fellows learn these things when they are living in civilized places, because they have comfortable houses, and soft beds to sleep in. Their food is prepared for them, and when they want to know the way, they just ask a policeman.

Well, when those fellows try to go scouting or exploring, they find themselves quite helpless. Take even your sports “hero” and put him down in the wilderness, alongside a fellow trained in camping, and see which can look after himself. High batting averages are not much good to him there. He is only a “tenderfoot”.” ~ Baden-Powell

You don’t need to dig far into the history of Scouting to see how much pioneers, adventurers, and explorers have influenced the Scouting movement. This is perhaps the real reason that most of us joined the Scouting movement, is it not? Scouting promised us adventure. Scouting promised us camping trips, canoe trips, hiking, rafting. Scouting promised us the exploration of the wilderness.  Continue reading

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